Finding and Protecting Your Peace
In life, we attempt to care for our minds, bodies and spirits, while fulfilling professional, personal, community and/or family...

Psychological Benefits of Music
As I considered the fact that June is Black Music Month, I immediately thought of Motown and a warm feeling came over me. Songs by The...

“Did You Cut Your Hair?” How our backgrounds guide our thoughts and interactions
Have you ever had one of those days when everything looked good on you? Outfit. Fit great in all the right places. Shoes. Matched the...

What happened to my dreams?!
If you’re reading this, it’s safe to assume that you are an adult. You took time to read words that weren’t in a social media caption or...

Healing In Truth
Most of you know that I am a licensed marriage and family therapist. In my practice, people frequently come to me in intense emotional...

My 3 Cups
Over the past week, I have found myself out of sorts, at times. I’ve been impatient, moody and even bitchy (Please excuse my language....

Overcome Obstacles with Tunnel Vision
Usually, when we face difficulties in life, it's because of uncertainty. For instance, when relationship issues arise, we may wonder:...

DON'T MISS IT: Periscope Interview Tonight at 5pm (Pacific)
Don't miss it! TODAY at 5:00pm, I will be interviewed on Periscope by the award winning author, Sandy Peckinpah! Step 1: Go to Periscope...

Let's Talk
'You (and our Nation) Can Heal'